[ 2660 ] - Manufacture of equipment for radiology, electrodiagnostics and electrotherapy
Company nr. |
Company |
Status |
Incorporation |
12566055 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) STR. G-RAL ATANASIE DEMOSTHENE, NR.36A,SECTOR 5, MUNICIPIUL BUCURESTI | Active | 2000 |
15182733 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) STR. GRAULUI, NR.27,SECTOR 4, MUNICIPIUL BUCURESTI | Active | 2003 |
15576797 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) STR. BIRZAVA, NR.31,MUN. TIMISOARA, JUD. TIMIS | Active | 2003 |
15954655 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) STR. SOMESULUI, NR.43, AP.3,MUN. CLUJ-NAPOCA, JUD. CLUJ | Active | 2003 |
16437240 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) STR. PACII, NR.4,MUN. FAGARAS, JUD. BRASOV | Active | 2004 |
16623412 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) STR. GLADITEI, NR.42, BL.T6, ET.20, AP.2001,SECTOR 4, MUNICIPIUL BUCURESTI | Active | 2009 |
16741582 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) STR. MARE, NR.404, CAMERA 1,SAT SLAVA RUSA COM. SLAVA CERCHEZA, JUD. TULCEA | Active | 2004 |
16847690 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) BLD. MIHAIL KOGALNICEANU, NR.2-4, ET.2,MUN. DEVA, JUD. HUNEDOARA | Active | 2004 |
16996632 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) STR. CULTURII, NR.3, BL.A10, SC.A, ET.P, AP.1,ORS. NAVODARI, JUD. CONSTANTA | Active | 2004 |
17372106 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) STR. GHEORGHE DONICI, BL.5, SC.A, ET.P, AP.1,ORS. COMANESTI, JUD. BACAU | Active | 2005 |