[ 0113 ] - Growing vegetables and melons, roots and tubers
Company nr. |
Company |
Status |
Incorporation |
10028874 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) STR. MIRCEA VODA, NR.44, BL.M17, ET.1, AP.7,SECTOR 3, MUNICIPIUL BUCURESTI | Active | 1997 |
10305550 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) COM. LUGASU DE JOS-SOS. NAT. E60 KM 601, NR.300/B,SAT URVIND COM. LUGASU DE JOS, JUD. BIHOR | Active | 1998 |
10432588 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) SAT TICHILESTI COM. TICHILESTI,SAT TICHILESTI COM. TICHILESTI, JUD. BRAILA | Active | 1998 |
1077274 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) STR. GARII, NR.20,ORS. OTELU ROSU, JUD. CARAS-SEVERIN | Active | 1991 |
11071651 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) STR. DRUMUL BINELUI, NR.6,SECTOR 4, MUNICIPIUL BUCURESTI | Active | 1998 |
1151230 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) COM. MEREI,SAT LIPIA COM. MEREI, JUD. BUZAU | Active | 1991 |
1154296 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) LIPIA, NR.839A,SAT LIPIA COM. MEREI, JUD. BUZAU | Active | 1992 |
11665581 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) FURCENII NOI, NR.82,SAT FURCENII NOI COM. COSMESTI, JUD. GALATI | Active | 1999 |
12372601 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) STR. BECHEANULUI, NR.33,SAT VOLUNTARI ORS. VOLUNTARI, JUD. ILFOV | Active | 2003 |
12379782 | ![Address](/img/1/location_16.png) STR. PLOPILOR, NR.121,ORS. TARGU CARBUNESTI, JUD. GORJ | Active | 1999 |